Mr. New Year

Mr. New Year
...and a Happy New Year to you too.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Time passes all too quickly

Wow, I can't believe it has actually been this long since I posted anything to my blog. I guess it would help if I actually remembered where the heck I created it.

I'm clueless, I know...I know...

Well, four months after my last post, 5 different query letters later, a pathetic synopsis, a hell of a lot of gutting of Heart's Landfill, too many rejections to count, and I'm still no closer to getting an agent or a publisher. So like any good writer or half decent determined and focused writer, rather than wallowing in my own juices or self-pity and doubt, I have pulled myself up by my Payless shoes and written a second novel, I Need A M.A.N.

Seriously, there are so many things that that title has in common with my life that I sometimes find it almost Freudian.

Anyway, I'm back on the grind again, sending out query letters, author bios, and sample chapters and getting no love, but I'm not going to gripe like I did last time.

Hell, it is what it is, isn't it. Besides, if I curse them too much, I will truly black ball myself and I seriously can't afford to that. At least, not right now.

Besides, I know this particular novel is going to get published; it's only a matter of time. I might also post the first few chapters here as well but I'm not sure yet. I've heard that's a big no-no, but whose no-no is it? Their's--the leviatians--or just the wannabees like me?

Anyway... No rejections today, but I did get two on Tuesday and one yesterday. So, yeah a break was definitely earned.

That all for today...

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