Mr. New Year

Mr. New Year
...and a Happy New Year to you too.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Remember the Troops!!!

Welcome one and all!! 

I'm Nya Rayne and this is my world.

I am a paranormal and futristic romance writer. All of my stories err on the side of romance with a good helping of erotica, and then a dash more of romance. So, yeah, I like it haut!! I've been writing professionally for a little over 10 years, but wrote my first story at the tender age of 15. It amounted to nothing, but was so much fun to write that I kept doing it.

Anyway that's enough about me, the reason you and I are here is to, for the next 3 days, celebrate our men and women in uniform, who tirelessly protect our rights from foes near and far.

 These men and women leave their families and friends to go thousands of miles away from home, so that you and I can still enjoy the freedoms we have come to know and love.  I'm sure we all know someone who fights, have fought, and who have died in the name of freedom.

In my own family alone, there are several veterans, myself included.  My uncle served in the Navy for over 25 years, sailing from coast to coast and shore to shore.

My first cousin served over 10 years as a Marine Sgt., at home and overseas.

And my brother and myself, both served in the Army.  He was stationed on the west coast and I was stationed in the East.

I also have several friends, who are members of the Air Force.

To show my appreciation to these soldiers, not a night goes by that I don't send out a prayer for them.  I have also, in the past, sent anonymous gift bags overseas and I'm a pen pal to several women and a few men.  So I ask you, who do you know that's a member of the military?  What have you done recently and in the past to show your appreciation? 

Contest Time!! 

I want you to take a moment to think about the questions I asked above and then tell me your story.  It doesn't have to be dramatic or indepth, just tell me what branch your friend/family is a part of and how you've--in the past--shown your appreciation.  If you haven't yet, tell me how you will in the future.

Whatever it is, I want to hear about it.

So, comment, join my blog if you haven't already, friend me on facebook (, and follow me on twitter (@nyarayne) and you'll have a chance to win, not one but a copy of both of my novels!

She loved him from the moment she saw him, but he was never hers to
In a world where men are an endangered species, available only to the ruling class, and the majority of women date androids, the last thing Phia Zen wants is to buy her lover from a catalogue. Imagine her surprise when she receives her purchase, Donté, and discovers he’s a living, breathing man. Problem is he truly belongs to the most powerful woman in the world, and she’ll stop at nothing to get him back.

For the love of a real man, how much will Phia sacrifice? Her family? Her freedom? Her very life and the life of the only man she’s ever loved?

Now Available
Sometimes the very thing you've ran from all your life is the only thing that can save you.

A street-wise hustler, Stormy has been running most of her life from the creature that killed her family. However, when she meets Fury, a being so stubborn he could give a mule lessons, running is no longer an option. When he claims he’s her protector and the other half of her soul, Stormy would rather take her chances with the beast chasing her.

His dogged determination to protect her and his seductive expertise spark to life dreams she’d all but given up on: dreams of belonging to a family, and of having a life where running is nothing more than exercise. But with vile creatures hunting her, demanding her blood, and pack members who want her head instead of her help, Stormy will have to find away to place her trust and heart in Fury’s care. If she can’t, then neither of them will have a future to dream about.

Okay, so that's it for me, not on to your next stop ==>


  1. Making my rounds at the hop! Have a great weekend! Thanks for what you do for the soldiers!

  2. Your books sound wonderful. Thanks to you and all your family members for your service to our country! Have a spectacular weekend.

    1. Thanks, Sara, I'll be coming around your way soon!!

  3. Thank you for your service, Nya! My Dad and Grandpa both served in the military. I've got pictures on my blog as a part of the Musa Blog Hop. Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! Your book sounds great!

    1. Thanks, Mindy. I'll make sure to check out your pics.

  4. Thank you for this wonderful tribute. I am so glad I came across this hop and am able to share my appreciation with others on this wonderful holiday giving thanks to all of those to have been there in services helping to secure out freedom. It is also great to meet new to me authors and fellow book lovers :) I have signed up to follow and am looking forward to the journey.

    1. Thanks, Denise, and good luck with your chance as the win!!

  5. Doing the rounds, just like June. My grandfathers served in WWII, and one of grandmothers lost brothers to the same war. It makes you think of the lives lost doesn't. I tend to do an ANZAC day post every year (Australian and New Zealand) as to remember is to honour.

    1. Eleni, that'a awesome. I think it's very important that we never forget those who have lost their lives for our freedom.

  6. I come from a long line of military men and women. On my side of the family, we go all the way back to WWI where my Great Great Grandfather was a Doughboy. On my husband’s side, we go all the way back to the Civil War as Union Soldiers. We honor and show appreciation in many ways. One wall in our living room is dedicated to those who have served from my Great Great Grandfather in the Army in WWI, my father in law in Vietnam, my husband during Desert Storm, and my sister in law in the Coast Guard. We treasure them all.
    We have a few traditions that we do. One is to plant flags on the Saturday before Memorial Day at the local cemetery. My family, including my young sons, plant the flags on all the gravesites of the servicemen and women. My sons also walk in the Memorial Day parade with the Boy Scouts. These are just a few things. Memorial Day is very special to us.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

    1. Wow, Mel, that's awesome to hear. Thanks for everything you do.

    2. That's awesome, Mel. Thanks for everything you and your family do and have done.

  7. Lovely post, Nya. My grandfather served in WW2 and my uncles went to Vietnam. Let's see: Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard. Yep, those are the branches in which my relatives served.

    1. It funny, Ann, how even though we all live very seperate lives most of us have this common bond that connects.


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